Monday, January 10, 2011

Check this out on Chirbit

Post 1 was edited on 110111 and 110114

On 101211 (year/month/day) I finally received the help I needed from two IT (information technology) savvy people to set up a test blog:  a dear friend in Germany and a very capable, patient, friendly, and resourceful friend in beautiful Monterey, California.  I had always wanted to write for publication, for a global audience.  I wanted to talk to others, convey to them what I think and feel - the way I see the world.  I wanted to establish a personal relationship with my readers, with strangers.  I have always loved the reverse:  to be drawn into a writer’s world of thoughts and emotions.  How often have I wanted to contact the author right after having finished a book.  Now I feel that it is high time to switch roles.

I remember that two men had highly praised my writing style – the talent of expressing my thoughts eloquently.  Ironically they were also an American and a German.  Those remarks caught me by surprise as did the observation by another friend of mine that I am highly creative.  You ask yourself:  Isn’t everyone?  You think:  Could it be that other people have remarkable talents of which they are not aware?  At any rate, this had been the case for me.

I was pleased by these remarks because one of those two friends is an intellectual par excellence with a PhD in the philosophy of science.  Larry, who is living in Colorado, is one of the most intelligent people with whom I’ve ever had the pleasure to interact ( and  The German friend is a lover of linguistics who has been resuming his extraordinary research regarding the art and science of translation, pursuing a Ph.D. in the process.  I have had the good fortune in my life to have been bestowed with a considerable number of extremely intelligent friends.  Or perhaps I just recognized them, was drawn to them, and subsequently established and cultivated a friendship.  I must somehow have attracted them into my life experience.  To conduct deep, meaningful conversations about metaphysics, science, and other fascinating subject matters such as consciousness and the Nature of Reality happens to be one of the many pleasures of my life.  As long as I can remember I have sought refinement.  In my deliberate pursuit to celebrating the beauty of living, I love to consciously appreciate the specific aspects of this physical three dimensional time space reality - as well as those of the non-physical realms.

All my life I have mostly been interacting with men.  Many of them have the passion to create in a way I consider very intriguing and in a manner that pleases me tremendously.  I know that remarkable women do exist.  I would like, though, to get to know them personally and to engage in meaningful conversations.  The women I know are passionate about their families, homes, and human relationships and much less interested in their professional work - if they have any at all.  And other people’s families and homes just don’t hold my interest very much.  Now a home with Chinese lacquerware, bamboo furniture, and Japanese artwork would hold my interest very much indeed… J

Having said that I would like to make a very important point.   A recent discourse with my brother’s old school mate made me realize that women are predominantly endowed with and are portraying the extraordinary qualities of the heart which make a human being – well – human.  It is mostly the women who excel in and offer acceptance, benevolence, care giving, compassion, consideration, empathy, forgiveness, gentleness, kind- and warm-heartedness, helpfulness, genuine interest in others, leniency, love, mercifulness, selflessness, high ethical and moral standards, sympathy, thoughtfulness, tolerance, and understanding.  Women of the world:  feel free to augment the list.

I could furnish a list of the opposite characteristics including abuse, avarice, brutality, crime, cruelty, evil, greed, horror, inhumanity, lust devoid of love, malice, hunger for power, terror, torture, tyranny, viciousness, and violence, having lead to unspeakable horror and causing unimaginable suffering on Earth today more so than ever.  I could become more explicit.  Need I say which gender has since the beginning of recorded history almost exclusively been the mastermind behind the countless atrocities of living hell on Earth?  (Women and children of the world:  feel free to augment the list.)

Be all of that as it may, here it is, my first log.  It took me three (3) years to come to the point to be receiving the help in December of 2010 I mentioned in the beginning.  In the winter of 2007/8 I had bought the “Blogging for Dummies” book but realized very soon that I obviously belonged to the "sub"-dummy category and that I wouldn’t get very far without help.  Careful, cautious, and perfectionist-driven as I am, before actually posting my first bona fide entry there was testing and more testing and even more testing.  Now, after my first log has been published, there is editing, re-editing, and more editing.  You get the drift.  But now that the flood gates have been opened, rage on, river (as my IT advisor SalPal aptly put it).

So, now then, this is the real thing.  What a courageous jump I took daring to tell the world (or rather my future readers - to maintain some modesty) what I really think.  I have heard that what you put up on the Internet these days remains there forever in one form or another, even after you deleted your websites or blogs.  Everlasting Internet memory.  The akashic records of the Internet!  Immortal footprints.  The wisdom teachers tell us that all thoughts and emotions that have been created remain forever in the mental and astral worlds.  It has stunned me how during the past decades IT and the Internet have been mimicking the finer vibrational worlds which are so familiar to me and so dear to my heart.  They have constituted a most cherished and exciting field of study going back a long time period into a distant past I can only vaguely surmise, intuit, discern….

Taking the daring plunge into revealing my world I console myself with the thought that so far no one but the trinity of I, me, and myself know my blog’s URL.  Who will be next I wonder?  Who will be the first to read these lines.  Wouldn’t I like to know.  Wouldn’t you want to tell me?

So, then, let me jump in medias res.  What is it I want to convey?  Why the trouble?  What needs to be born, told, created?   And why the bleep should it interest you and contribute to your Nature of Reality, to your life’s enjoyment?  How about exploring this together?


Write to me:  CultivatingEnjoyment_at_gmail_dot_com 
Copyright © 2011 Cultivating Enjoyment.  All Rights Reserved.


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