Friday, March 4, 2011

David Brand and the Gold Lake Institute in Boulder, CO

Very good news today.  A Boulder acquaintance of mine, David Brand, responded to my introduction regarding the CultivatingEnjoyment classes I am founding and wants to meet via Skype/webcam to share our “stories and journey”. 

One of the projects in which David is currently involved is the Gold Lake Institute with its monthly "Wisdom Labs".  David is the manager and part owner of Gold Lake Mountain Resort and Spa, a sacred retreat facility twenty-five miles west of Boulder, Colorado.  When the initial group that was to become the GLI or Gold Lake Institute group gathered for the first time in the fall of 2008, the common thread that bounded them was their personal experience with the Gold Lake Mountain Resort and Spa located on

“…100 magical acres surrounded by national forest at 8500 above sea level, under the brow of the continental divide, just west of Boulder, CO. 

For thousands of years Gold Lake was a place of great healing and community for indigenous people. Tribes would gather in peace to tell stories about the past, share visions of the future, build community and share in sacred ceremony. 

Gold Lake reminds us of the power of nature to facilitate our ability to tap into our fundamental intelligence – nature as teacher, nature as healer and nature as evidencing our inseparability.

We have chosen the name Gold Lake Institute, because we know it carries with it the magical and transformative essence of the sacred land that is so close to our home and closer to our hearts.”

I read the Gold Lake Institute’s website and signed up for its Newsletter.  David’s vision is profoundly spiritual, and I am so inspired and excited about the depth of his insight and his skill in expressing his mission so beautifully.

It is amazing how closely related David’s and my goals are.  His mission of “Wisdom In Action In Service To All” would be beautifully supported and complemented by my CultivatingEnjoyment classes.  Inner harmony, balance, and contentment that come from truly feeling good, from a heightened sense of wellbeing, all contribute to our inspiration from within, to our wisdom.

This is my own view of wisdom:
  • There are facts which - skillfully combined - become information
  • Information - reflected upon - turns into knowledge
  • Knowledge combined with consciousness becomes wisdom
To me, wisdom grows as consciousness increases.  All my life, it has been my intent to raise my own level of consciousness and inspire others to do the same.

I think that we establish a connection to Nature’s ingenuity when we feel good.  By cultivating wellbeing in our lives we open the floodgates to the unbounded creative intelligence of the Cosmos that is visible everywhere and that we call wisdom when it is applied to our human existence.

That’s the reason for my intention to set up the CultivatingEnjoyment groups:  We learn to direct our awareness to the beautiful aspects of our lives.  This enables us to become more sensitive to other pleasant circumstances.  They existed all along, we just didn’t notice them.  Through our practice, we shine a spotlight on them through which they become visible to us.  To put it another way:  We changed our point of view or our perspective and now we can see them.  The Abraham-Entities say about this process:  There is a vibrational match because vibrational alignment has been established.

Just as David trusts the self-guidance of his Wisdom Labs I trust that the CultivatingEnjoyment participants will have inspiring meetings without my personal involvement.  My concept is to provide the group mentors with simple guidelines which they observe during the sessions and which simply state that the contributions be pleasant and enjoyable so that everyone benefits optimally from the gatherings, is uplifted, and leaves in a happy state of mind and heart.  The mentors and I will be in contact so that I will learn about the benefits of the exchanges.

I am greatly looking forward to brainstorm a possible cooperation of joyful wisdom with David and his crew and can’t wait for our Skype exchange which will take place during the week of Monday, March 14.


Write to me:  CultivatingEnjoyment_at_gmail_dot_com

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