Monday, December 26, 2011

Transition happens all the time and it is always good

This is the first video of my new YouTube Channel: 

1 Transition happens all the time and it is always good

Note 1:  If you like, turn off the lovely gong music “Spherical Improvisations” by Marianne Green (right column below)

Note 2:  This is a response following the request by Lilou Macé’ to her call: “What is YOUR message to Humanity?”  (See her video below)


Lilou, thank you for the tremendous work you are doing in creating a world spiritual community of awakening humans and for giving us an opportunity to response to your call for messages.

My first message is:
"Transition happens all the time and it is always good."

1) There is nothing new about transition or change. Change has always existed in the past, it is taking place right now, and I believe that it will continue to occur in the future. Change happens always and everywhere. That 'always' is the only constant there is. Why not make change or transition our friend? Resisting change is a useless and futile undertaking.

2) Change is always good. The transition can never produce a diminished state, it can never go from more to less, it always allows for life's progress to better and to more. We always grow, we are always enriched. So why on Earth fear transition? Why not embrace it since it is the flow of life itself?

3) Transition brings about the release of old patterns and the establishment of new ones. When we resist these new emerging patterns we suffer. We can learn to make peace with change, to consider it a welcome opportunity, a new beginning. We can learn to joyfully let go of the old, expect the new, welcome it, embrace it, appreciate it, and love it. Let's not be afraid of transition. It is the emergence of the lovely new patterns as an expression of our advanced state of consciousness.


I am responding to Lilou’s call for messages:
What is YOUR message to Humanity? (video response request)

Lilou's websites:

Facebook posts and updates:

This is the first video of my new YouTube Channel: 
1 Transition happens all the time and it is always good

Note 1:  If you like, turn off the lovely gong music “Spherical Improvisations” by Marianne Green (right column below)

Note 2:  This is a response following the request by Lilou Macé’ to her call: “What is YOUR message to Humanity?”  (See her video below)


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