
(Sorry, I am giving up formatting in Blogger - hence no bullets).

Vision and Mission

To introduce a new way of life in which we

Desire to feel good more often
Wish to consciously appreciate our lives more and more
Allow the flow of wellbeing to inspire and carry us
Want to share or exchange our enjoyable moments with others or simply learn about the enjoyable experiences of others
Understand that hardship and suffering are not necessary in order to enjoy life.

Goals and Expected Results

To promote the cultivation of enjoyment in society among friends, at work, and in schools - basically anywhere where people interact
The results of CultivatingEnjoyment are to give the best of who we are to our environment and to receive, in turn, the best of what our surroundings have to offer.

Planned Programs and Venues

Several possibilities have been developed

Groups are established of participants who meet in person on a regular basis (e.g. once or twice a month)
Groups meet on a regular basis in Cyberspace - online or virtually - either through Skype or telephone conferencing calls
Subscribers post their beautiful experiences on a monitored discussion list, blog, or WIKI
The establishment of an international nonprofit organization.

Cultivating Enjoyment Topics

The following topics are common to most people and serve as a guideline for the sessions during which we express and exchange what makes us feel good in our lives:

Celebrating “MySelf”
Nurturing Loving Relationships
Developing Professional Passions   
Rejuvenating through Fitness and Delicious Food
Recognizing and Appreciating Abundance­
Finding Fulfillment in Nature
Enjoying Culture, Science, and Travel
The Joy of and the Benefits from Learning
Creating a Gracious Living Environment
Remembering our upbringing, childhood, and adolescence
Paradigm-shifting personal experiences or remarkable turning points in one’s life that were inspired from one’s inner source and guidance
Fulfilling one’s spiritual bonds
Contributing to the World Becoming a Better Place
Appreciating the freedom experienced in a Western world democracy

Other passions and additional themes, such as hobbies, pastimes, and interests, etc., are also welcome.

Guidelines for Practicing CultivatingEnjoyment

We can learn to cultivate enjoyment by

Remembering wonderful experiences from the past
Appreciating certain aspects of our life in the presence
Looking forward to lovely things in the future
Receiving inspiration from “role models” who are known to us or who are public figures
Playfully inventing desired “what-if scenarios”, becoming fiction writers, or writing theater plays to develop our “creative juices”.

Many of us tend to be very “realistic” when we reflect on our lives.  We want to be as truthful as possible and give a correct account of our situation.  The purpose of cultivating enjoyment is that we cheerfully sift through our lives and that we select those aspects from our “reality” or “truths” that are pleasant.  When tomorrow’s “reality” is born out of today’s contentment, our lives will become truly fulfilling.

Group Venues

I have established two basic kinds of meetings:
People who meet in person – attended by a mentor or by me
Groups that meet online or virtually via Skype or by way of phone conferencing – accompanied by a facilitator or by me

My concept is to provide the stewards with simple guidelines which they observe during the sessions and which simply state that the contributions be pleasant, enjoyable, or inspiring so that everyone benefits optimally from the gatherings, is uplifted, and leaves in a happy state of mind and heart.  The facilitators and I will be in contact so that I will learn about the benefits and the results from the exchanges.

Meeting times and locations;  size of groups

The groups could meet once or twice a month on a regular basis:  for instance every fourth (or second and fourth) Thursday of the month
The sessions could be held at a particular time during the day, in the evenings, or during the weekends or a mix could be offered (for instance one weekend meeting and the next meeting takes place on a week day in the evening)
The participants could take turns hosting the sessions at their homes;   alternately, a more public gathering place could be selected (library, Starbucks)
The groups should ideally be about eight people in size
The meetings should approx. last two hours or less so that the participants have about fifteen minutes each for their contributions
Newcomers should be introduced to the group’s mission and are invited to “audit” the first session to get a feeling for the process.


Write to me:  CultivatingEnjoyment_at_gmail_dot_com

Copyright © 2011 Cultivating Enjoyment.  All Rights Reserved.


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