POEM 'Just You and I'

The most beautiful picture I have ever seen
Fondly remembering Bill Corey


We are approaching your cottage.

The maple leaves have donned
Their most stunning palette of colors
~ Golden, orange, and fuchsia ~
Dispersed among the evergreens.

A sudden breeze gently caresses
The lush foliage of the garden
And the wind chimes start chanting their lovely songs.

In the distance, a neighbor plays his bamboo flute.

Just as we enter, a flock of cranes honks overhead
Sending us their greetings
Reminding us that winter’s on its way.

I light the lantern in the window.
You ignite the fire.

The lovely scent of burning incense permeates the room.

Twilight is falling.

As I cozy up on the futon’s soft and silky blanket
You prepare the kettle for a delicious cup of tea.

You busy yourself in the kitchen,
Promising a lovely meal.

I imagine the end of the rainbow,
Or perhaps its beginning.

With you.

One moment in time.
Hours of eternity.
Heaven on Earth.

Just you and I.


Write to me:  CultivatingEnjoyment_at_gmail_dot_com

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