Read Me First by Nela

Contact me at

Nela and Aspen Trees 
Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado

Dear Readers,


I just changed the name of our international initiative to "CultivatingAppreciation for WellBeing - Proposing a New Way of Life".  How do you like it?

I am just now developing labels for my log entries so - again – please bear with me. 

My time is currently split between assisting my 88-year-young dad in his daily living as well as with his upcoming eye operations;  setting up new groups (either in-person or via “Skype group call”) who will get together regularly to share what they appreciate in their lives;  contacting people and organizations for cooperation;  and researching and writing for my blog.

I am so happy that I have a lot of hits, also from countries like Singapore, China, India, and even to UAE!  Keep on coming back – you are the wind beneath my wings and inspire me to more… 

Marianne's Gong music is played by default when you open up or navigate my blog, so if you wish to quiet the music, scroll down on the right column and place the music on pause (by pressing the two vertical lines II on the bottom left corner). 

I’ll try from now on to update this page more regularly so come back on occasion.


Feed the hungry fish with your cursor