Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CultivatingEnjoyment - What is this all about?

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Dear Reader,

You are probably wondering when I am going to publish my second post.  And what is this truly all about.

Well, to be honest I got quite a bit distracted insisting that my computer tutor Sal teach me how to fiddle around with gadgets to make the blog visually attractive.  Besides I did create some pages (you can see them on the right) and there will be more.

And it was good that I waited quite a bit, because in the meantime a number of good things have happened which I’ll tell you later.  But before I get into all of that I’d like to tell you a little bit what cultivating enjoyment is all about.  Agreed?

CultivatingEnjoyment - What is this all about?

In 1997 a German friend introduced me to what became my eighth wisdom tradition:  The teachings of Abraham-Hicks.  I remember where she told me about this teaching:  We were both sitting on top of one of the bell towers of the beautiful Santa Barbara mission in sunny southern California.

Now I am a good student and over the past fourteen years I purchased and listened to many hundreds of audio cassette tapes (btw audio cassette tapes are still serving me very nicely today…!).  I also attended several Abraham-Hicks workshops in Colorado and California, and read their books.  I love to view Ester’s video excerpts on the Abraham-Hicks website and I subscribe to their daily notes.

What is a bit amazing to me, though, is that it took so long to truly understand the Abraham message.  Simple as it is on the surface, it is not comprehended with the mind but rather with the heart.  One must internalize the message and start to breathe and live it with every fiber of one’s being.  But perhaps even an advancement in the development of one’s consciousness is required to truly get it.  Recently somehow it all came together for me.

Of all the wisdom traditions that are dear to me heart (and there are seven more) I love the teaching of the Abraham Entities the most.  I have never felt more loved than when I hear them speak through Esther.  Their appreciation of us human beings is tremendous and their love of us unconditional and extremely uplifting and inspiring.  The only other love I ever felt that came close to this type of love is the love my mom had for me.  I became aware of the intensity, sweetness, and depth of her love when she peacefully passed away after having suffered from an advanced state of Alzheimer’s for a considerable time.  I had returned to Germany to care for her.  I had learned that only a loving daughter can come close to doing a mother justice in this kind of state, and I have found this to be true.  It also helps to be somewhat psychic or at least a very sensitive soul, because although Alzheimer’s patients are no longer able to rely upon the use of their minds, their emotions are very developed and they feel very strongly nonetheless - often much more strongly than other people.

The Abraham message is unique in its simplicity:  Wellbeing is the underlying foundation of life.  This source of life expresses itself in everything:  In the quantum physicist’s nonlocality, wave particle duality, and the collapse of the wave function;  in the breathtaking loveliness of a golden, silver-blue, gentle, silent sunrise on the Boca beach;  and in the endless shine of eternity with its more than one hundred billions estimated galaxies of which you get an inkling when you look through a powerful telescope or when you marvel at the sky at night in the Rockies.

Just as this stream of intelligent and creative wellbeing imbues nature in a most profoundly beautiful way, it wants to express itself fully in us humans, also.  But over the years we have developed habits of thinking and acting that impede the unrestricted flow of wellbeing.  We have built up resistance.

The Abraham Entities which Esther has been channeling for more than twenty years recommend that we start putting our attention on thoughts that make us feel good.  In a humorous way they remind us that we can be very picky when it comes to what we wear, what we eat, what car we drive, and how we live.  We are just not very picky about the thoughts we thing, and we pick up a lot of dirt and garbage and smear it around in our minds and hearts not concerned in the least of the ill effects of our ignorance.

One of the reasons for this behavior is that many of us tend to be very “realistic” when we deal with or reflect upon our lives.  We want to be as truthful as possible and give a correct account of our situation.  But the Abraham Entities say that there are many truths – those that are pleasant, uplifting, life-giving, inspiring and energizing - and those that are depressing and that conjure up hurt, resentment, impatience, anger, doubt, fear, or guilt. 

Which truth or which reality is it wise to bring into one’s awareness?  Why not cheerfully sift through our lives and select those aspects from our “reality” or “truths” that are pleasant?  When tomorrow’s “reality” is born out of today’s contentment, our lives will become truly fulfilling.

I took their message to heart because all of a sudden, very recently, it made perfect sense to me.  My vision is to inspire a new way of life.  Just as Yoga, meditation, fitness, and healthy, organic food have become an integral part of the  lives of many of s, I foresee the emergence of a consciousness that calls for a state of wellbeing as a normal condition of daily lives.

Now if we practiced putting our attention on appreciating the different aspects of our lives and surroundings, we would feel good more often.  And feeling good lowers the resistance we are holding to wellbeing.  Feeling good opens the floodgates for Nature's helpers to assist us - the fairies, the angels, the creative, intelligent, seemingly omniscient, omnipotent and eternal powers of nature, of creation, of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of the Divine.  As a result, other enjoyable aspects “miraculously” make their way into our life and we begin to accomplish wonderful things more and more effortlessly and live our lives increasingly in a state of fulfillment.

People who are happy don’t strike out at others.  The keep a smile on their face and gentleness in their heart and they are wise.  They are the role models, making a considerable contribution to their fellow-humans and their surroundings.

It is my strong desire to help establish groups of people who come together on a regular basis to share those experiences from their past or present lives, or their expectations of the future, that are pleasant, enjoyable, delightful, or exciting.

I’d like to inspire the establishment of “CutlivatingEnjoyment” groups all over the world wherever people interact:  within families, among friends, at one’s place of work, in schools, at churches, in libraries, at Starbucks, in the meadows…. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to give ourselves to the world in a state in which we feel content, in harmony with ourselves and our world, exhilarated, inspired, or passionate about life? 

So now that I gave a little history of the inspiration that lead me to develop the Cultivating Enjoyment paradigm, I’d like to provide you with my concept draft for download, since Blogger is very creative in terms of messing up one’s formatting:

Cultivating Enjoyment Concept Draft

Copy and paste the URL into the Firefox browser and you will briefly see:
“Processing download request” which quickly changes to
"Click here to start download.."


A number of wonderful things have happened since I published my first post:

A German CultivatingEnjoyment group was established and had its first meeting on Jan. 30.  The meeting was held at 11am Germany time.  Amazingly, the first Boulder, Colorado, meeting was not only held on the same day, it was also held at 11am Colorado time or 7pm Germany time.  I facilitated the meeting via Skype from Germany.

The second Boulder meeting took place two weeks later on Feb. 13 and the second Germany meeting got together on Feb. 27 and the topic centered around work:  Developing Professional Passions”.  The third Boulder meeting is planned for March 6 and the third Germany meeting for March 23 with the theme:  Nurturing Loving Relationships”.

Moreover, my dear Boulder friend Sylvi has been presenting my CultivatingEnjoyment Concept Draft to Jack Groverland, the Boulder Unity Minister, for a possible establishment of a group at his church.  My California Palo Alto friend Michael Closson is introducing my draft to the ordained interfaith minister Carol Fitzgerald www.carolfitzgerald.com and to his book discussion group.  In addition I presented the draft to a superb German medical doctor known to me to possibly be offered to his patients.  I have also been busily writing to friends in Germany and the US to ask for their assistance in setting up groups or recommending others who might be interested in doing so.

If you, dear reader, would like to get a group started, please contact me, and I will provide you with the necessary information.


Write to me:  CultivatingEnjoyment_at_gmail_dot_com

Copyright © 2011 Cultivating Enjoyment.  All Rights Reserved.


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