Tuesday, December 27, 2011

VIDEO 2: Happiness is the name of the game

This is the second video of my new YouTube Channel: 

2 Happiness is the name of the game

Note 1:  If you like, turn off the lovely gong music “Spherical Improvisations” by Marianne Green (right column below)

Note 2:  This is a response following the request by Lilou Macé’ to her call: “What is YOUR message to Humanity?” (See her video below)


Again, Lilou, I am so very grateful for your unique, juicy way of enriching my life! ;-)

My second message is:
"Happiness is the name of the game"

1) Guru Dev had said:

Is the Purpose of Creation,
And we are all here
To enjoy
And Radiate

2) And the Abraham Beings have said:

The Basis of Life is Freedom,
The Result of Life is Growth,
The Purpose of Life is Joy.

3) My wisdom:

Happiness is the goal, the path, and the mode of transportation! ;-)

4) Now I believe that happiness is at the heart of creation itself. Happiness is the essence of life. It is the elixir of life without which nothing would be. It is life and light and love itself.

5) The reason for the lack of happiness, for struggle, strive, pain, misery, and suffering is the resistance we are holding to source energy, to the creative intelligence of nature, to the wellbeing of the universe.

6) The best way for us to develop happiness is appreciation. When we appreciate, we always feel good. And when we're joyful, we automatically release resistance and the wellbeing of the universe can make its way into our life experience, fulfilling our desires for ever more happiness.

7) I believe that all we need to do is cultivate appreciation. I developed workshops which I call: CultivatingAppreciation for Wellbeing.

8) Now some of us may think: But isn't it selfish to seek one's own happiness when there are so many people who are suffering tremendously.

I believe that when we are fulfilled, we are full of love and empathy and we are like a sun that radiates its light and warmth for the benefit of other people and our surroundings. An empty cup cannot overflow. Only those who have can give. So let us seek to become strong, joyful, juicy givers.


I am responding to Lilou’s call for messages:
What is YOUR message to Humanity? (video response request)

I am responding to Lilou’s call for messages:
What is YOUR message to Humanity? (video response request)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/x_TcVOxheb4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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